
Unable to upload attachments from Android app

  • 13 January 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi there,

whenever I try to upload an attachment to a conversation from the Drift mobile app (Android, latest version, v.3.3.0), I get an error message saying “Failed to upload attachment”. This is happening regardless of the attachment file type (e.g. png, jpg, etc.). Uploading the same file via the Drift chat web interface works fine.





2 replies

It looks like the community isn’t monitored by anyone? 2 months without any reaction

It looks like the community isn’t monitored by anyone? 2 months without any reaction

Hey Nick,

Sorry no one chimed in on this one.  Stand by; I’ll see if I can ping a support person to take a look into this one.  I assume they’ll need to follow up with you via email.  Mind shooting me a DM with a good contact email address so they can reach out?
