Trending Support Topics - May 2024

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Every month we’ve decided to share the trending questions and topics our Customer Advocate team sees through case and chat interactions with YOU, our community.  We hope you find the below links beneficial and that they might answer any questions you have before they come up.  If you have any questions or comments about anything we have posted here, please feel free to add them below!

Topic: Notifications

Issue(s): My notifications are enabled but sometimes they come through a couple minutes delayed, why is this?

Resolution: Device-specific settings can block browser notifications.

  • Mac Users: Please make sure "Do Not Disturb" is not enabled in any capacity in your Systems Preferences/Notifications and that Chrome OS X alerts and the Drift Desktop app alerts (if you are using the Desktop app and not are allowed.
  • Windows Users: Please make sure "Focus Assist Mode" is not active in the Windows Action Center. Be aware that it is possible to have focus assist set to turn on during certain times of day. Please make sure it is fully turned off so you can receive notifications.
  • Also make sure that Chrome OS X alerts (for web browser notifications) and the Drift Desktop app alerts (if you are using the Desktop app and not are allowed in the "Notification and Actions" section of settings.

You will also want to make sure that notifications from apps and other senders are enabled.

For more information about troubleshooting notifications, please see the following documentation:


Topic: Routing

Issue(s): We had two reps routed in back-to-back in this conversation, but we only have one routing skill. Why were two reps routed instead of one?

Resolution: Within our bot playbooks, one of the options within the goal is to route the conversation, avoid using this if you have already added a routing skill prior. Doing so will result in two routing events.

For more information on building bot playbooks, please check out the following documentation:

Topic: Calendar Connection

Issue(s):  There's no meeting link dropping in my team's meeting invites but we have Zoom connected.


  • Navigate to the Meetings tab.
  • You can connect to either Google Calendar or Office 365 Calendar. Select whichever works best for you! When prompted, be sure to sign into your email and allow all permissions.
  • Be sure to leave details under the “Location” field, as this tells the end user how to get in touch with you, whether it’s your phone number, a zoom link, or another form of connection.
  • These fields will sync directly with the appropriate fields on the calendar event.

For more information about integrating your calendar with Drift, please see the following documentation:

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