June 2024 Product Update (Release Notes)

On this page, we'll be highlighting the new features you'll find in Drift during the month of June. We'll also include which billing plan is tied to each feature, and link to accompanying documentation when available.


Site Concierge: Content Relevancy Controls


Feature: Site Concierge Content Relevancy Controls

Billing Plan Required: Included with Site Concierge Purchase

Description: Have more control over who sees what recommended content to ensure recommendations are relevant to the site visitor and well-aligned with your marketing strategy.

Reference Documentation: Site Concierge - Recommended Content

Location: You can configure Content Relevancy Controls by navigating to Playbooks > Site Concierge > Content Recommendations > Content Recommendation Settings and click on the blue box.


Site Concierge: Reporting Overview


Feature: Site Concierge: Reporting Overview

Billing Plan Required: Included with Site Concierge Purchase

Description: A new Site Concierge report that provides greater perspective into the collective performance of Site Concierge.

Reference Documentation: Site Concierge - Overview

Location: You can access the Site Concierge Overview Report by navigating to Reports > Site Concierge.


EAP: Content Segmentation


Feature: Content Segmentation

Billing Plan Required: Content Segmentation is available as an EAP for select customers.

Description: Content Segmentation separates the content in your Content Library by language which allows for a more organized Content Library.

Location: You can access Content Segmentation in by navigating to the Content Library if you are in the EAP.


Beta Feature: Revenue Opportunity Reports


Feature: Revenue Opportunity Reports

Billing Plan Required: The Revenue Opportunity Reports are currently available as a Beta Release

Description: We've added two new Revenue Reports to showcase opportunities sourced or influenced by Drift. The Opportunity Overview report will show you a high-level view of your opportunities whereas the Opportunity Data report will let you dig into each opportunity, including any relevant Drift chats.

Reference Documentation: Revenue Report Activity Details and Conversation Outcomes

Location: You can access the Revenue Opportunity Reports by navigating to Reports > Revenue > Opportunity Overview.


Sunset Features
There are no features within Drift scheduled for sunset in the month of June.


Is there a link to apply for the EAP of the Content Library?

Is there a link to apply for the EAP of the Content Library?

I don’t believe there is an open link to apply for it, but I’ve pinged the PM internally and linked them to this thread.