How do I drive up my conversation engagement rate?

  • 22 September 2023
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As a CSM, I often get asked by customers how I can drive up engagement with the conversation widget. 

I usually recommend two strategies:

  1. Hook testing your playbooks
  2. Expand playbook deployment to high intent pages (to increase overall engagement rate)

Hook testing is pretty straightforward, its a content adjustment strategy. 

Expanding playbook deployments to include a “Skip the Form” playbook, a pricing page playbook, and Fastlane will drive up overall engagement. Typical homepage “engage-all” style playbooks often have a lower engagement rate (anywhere from 0.5% to 1.5%) whereas high intent playbooks can convert at 20%!

Implementing these strategies will drive your overall engagement rate up and convert more high intent traffic and leads into pipeline/revenue. 

What else has anyone seen work to drive up engagement? Any new and interesting playbook styles out there that folks are testing/piloting?

I personally love what Okta/Auth0 is doing on with a questionnaire style playbook on the homepage--talk about a value exchange!

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